The purpose of this project is to implement a counter from 0 to 9 in VHDL using a common cathode 7-segment display using Symbhia.
The counter is controlled by 1 start/stop bit and a reset bit. The count increment is 1s (Time that can be changed by modifying the constant END_DELAY in the code).
Ports used in practice:
- CLK (Input – 1 bit): Clock at 50MHz.
- INI (Input – 1 bit): Start bit connected to a switch on Symbhia. When INI is set to ‘1’ it starts counting, when it is set to ‘0’ it stops counting.
- RESET (Input – 1 bit): Reset bit connected to a switch on Symbhia. When RESET is ‘1’, the count is reset.
- DISPLAY (Output – 7 bits): 7-bit output connected to the 7-segment display.